WHO Kobe center published YouTube explainer about Community Integrated Intermediary Care (CIIC) model


Prevention-based new model of long-term care strengthening family caregivers’ capacity and investing in healthy ageing.

While DIHAC teams in Japan, Republic of Korea, Singapore and Thailand, are collaborating for ongoing cross-cultural observation study about digital inclusion and healthy ageing, World Health Organization Centre for Health Development (WHO Kobe center) published a video explainer of Associate Professor Dr.Myo Nyein Aung PI of the DIHAC study. It introduced a new community-integrated model of healthy ageing, family caregiver support and long -term care.

The population around the world are ageing very fast, in low and middle incomed countries where access to formal long term care services is not yet possible and families remain as main care giver. The demand is growing in terms of health care and the cost. Community integrated intermediary care (CIIC) model introduced prevention-based new model of long-term care which is the integration of formal and informal care. (WHO Kobe center) funded the community integrated intermediary care (CIIC) trial. It is expected that prevention-based, new model of long-term care will help shaping health systems’ response to population ageing in many countries. The study was led by Associate Professor Myo Nyein Aung, Department of Global Health Research, Juntendo University and conducted in Chiang Mai, Northern Thailand. The CIIC model was proven effective with a reasonable cost, and ready to be scaled up. The YouTube explainer was published by WHO Kobe center.

Article  Press release 2023