Publication 一覧2024.08.23Press releasePress Release: DIHAC study publication about eHealth Literacy among community older adults in the Republic of Korea2024.08.21PublicationPress Release: DIHAC study publication about digital inclusion among community older adults in the Republic of Korea2023.08.05NewsWHO Kobe center published YouTube explainer about Community Integrated Intermediary Care (CIIC) model2023.01.07KoreaA New Publication of International Collaboration: Digital-Based Policy and Health Promotion Policy in Japan, the Republic of Korea, Singapore, and Thailand: A Scoping Review of Policy Paths to Healthy Aging Has Been Published.2022.06.07PublicationNew Publication: Digitally Inclusive, Healthy Aging Communities (DIHAC) Study protocol has been published.2022.02.22PublicationNew Publication: “Age-Friendly Environment and Community-Based Social Innovation in Japan: A Mixed-Method Study” in The Gerontologist2022.02.15PublicationPre-Print:Effectiveness of Community Integrated Intermediary Care (CIIC) Service Model to Enhance Family-Based Long-Term Care for Thai Older Adults in Chiang Mai, Thailand: A Cluster Randomized Controlled Trial TCTR20190412004